Communication is like tightrope walking: you must find the balance

Interview with Anca Oreviceanu, Chief of Communication, Renault Group Romania

Born in 1979 at Slatina, Anca Oreviceanu is a graduate of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies of Bucharest, Faculty of Communication (2002). She has a 10-year experience in communication, in the public system (Authority for State Assets Recovery) and in private enterprises (Petrom, Renault Technologie Roumanie). She has been coordinating the communication of Renault Technologie Roumanie since 2007. As of March 2011 she took over the leading position in the Communication Department of the Renault Group in Romania.

What are the objectives that you have proposed to yourself for the first year in the new position that you have?

First, I propose to ourselves to be better, to be professionals in everything we do day after day. 
I proposed to myself to learn, to better understand the Dacia brand, to consolidate my team. I want us to accomplish this year all the actions planned and to build together a consistent strategy for the next years. 
Our mission is to propose topics, events, interesting partnerships for our collaborators and to also put the light on the company and its products.

What actions do you have planned for the next period for the Dacia brand?

This year, the communication for Dacia is much oriented towards the corporate side, with “stories” about people and their work, entities, evolution. 
The second half of the year will be dedicated to some already announced partnerships, with the George Enescu International Festival and with the Gaudeamus Book Festival. They are two very important cultural events that we wish to take advantage of (in a positive respect) in order to show the current and potential customers that Dacia is a modern brand, concerned of culture and people. The Enescu Festival represents more than that: a door opened to the world, through which Dacia goes towards its international public (especially in Western Europe), to which the majority of the vehicles manufactured at Mioveni also have gone during the last years.

What is the part of the communication function in an organization?

I strongly believe in the strategic part of the communication in an organization and I am glad when it is recognized as such. 
The world we live in is changing extremely quickly, and companies have to move along with it. In order that this thing would happen, the people in the company must see the direction they go to, understand the objectives and adhere to them, know what they do well and where they still have to learn. Here comes the importand part of internal communication.
On the other side, in order to resist in the same world, companies must be transparent to external partners, coherent and consistent in the messages they transmit. Here is the external communication work. 
In addition, internal and external communication must always go in the same direction: you cannot tell different stories to the employees and to the media. 
And the basic rule must be the one of honesty.

What is the greatest professional challenge of a communicator?

The communication work is often like the tightrope walking: you must permanently find the balance between what the public (employees, media, partners) expect and the constraints that the company and its environment impose to you (confidentiality, budget, competition etc). You always have at your back a journey that gives you confidence, that supports you, but you must carefully plan every step, so as not to ruin what you have built until now.

By your opinion, what are the competitive advantages that a woman holds in a management position?

Management is essentially working with people: you establish objectives with them, you motivate them and help them to reach them, you acknowledge their merits or you help them to progress. I think (and I also hope) that a woman has a plus of emotional intelligence: she is a little more careful and more oriented towards people, notices faster the state of mind and concerns of those around her and thus she has an ace up sleeve in finding the “buttons that drive the car”. I also think that a woman is less led by vanity in the decisions she makes or in the way she approaches a conflict situation. The rest is about experience, knowledge and the motivation of each of us.