Renault guarantees working conditions at Dacia's Assembly Plant

Dacia’s Assembly Plant received an audit commission in charge with assessing its Management System of Workplace Health and Safety. The Renault specialists granted the certification diploma to the Assembly Plant as an acknowledgement of its compliance to the general workplace health and safety principles.

The recent certification of Dacia’s Assembly Plant asserts the progress made in fields such as prevention of work accidents and compliance with the Renault Group’s Workplace Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Workplace Conditions Referential. As of 2001, this specific certification is an imperative condition on all industrial sites of the Group.

The Management System of Workplace Health and Safety implemented at Dacia’s Assembly Plant has resulted into better employee awareness while successfully improving workplace safety behaviour. Dacia constantly trains its employees on wearing protection equipment, following specific instructions and standard procedures. Particular attention is given to improving workstation conditions and to keeping employees informed.