Dacia JOE Cup returns to Cluj

  • Special guest star in the Cup: Arnaud Augoyard, official pilot of Renault Sport
  • Avram Iancu Rally - a stage without a stake in the Cup's standings

One stage before the end of the season, Avram Iancu Rally will only be a public test for the Cup's competitors; the way the general standings look can no longer influence the podium.

The teams are still targeting the money offered as prize for the first three occupants of each stage, beside the results in the general standings.

The odds favoured Bogdan Stanoiev and fouled Ernest Mulner at the end of the race for the second position in the standings; since Cristian Turbatu did not attend the race, the two keep competing for the Performance Trophy, to be awarded at the end of the season for the pilot to accumulate the most points in the 10 stages; still, the n-3 rule will not apply in the final general standings.

During the Rally, the teams will have the chance to exchange their experience with one of the pilots that contributed to the development of the current Cup Logan. Arnaud Augoyard (aged 28), official pilot of Renault Sport, will be attending the rally in Cluj upon the invitation of the organizer, George Grigorescu. The French pilot will assess the performances of the Dacia, while opening the rally, co-piloted, as usual, by one celebrity eager to experience the thrilling skids in a competition vehicle.

Arnaud Augoyard's career is closely linked to mono brand competitions in the so called "Promotion Formulas", so well represented in the French rallies. He made his debut in 2000 in the "Rallye Jeunes", between 2001 and 2004 he competed in the "Coupe Volant 206" and won, in 2005, the Renault Clio Cup. One year later, he was promoted as official pilot of Renault Sport, Augoyard came 3rd in the Super 1600 French Championship, onboard a Renault Clio Super 1600. This year, the French pilot will be driving a Clio R3 on macadam, in the French Championship, and will make his debut, on the same surface, in the World Rally Championship, the Tour of Corsica. Coming back to the Rally in Cluj, it is worth mentioning that the weather will play an important role in the competition, as the special races would react to rain.

The Avram Iancu Ecomax Rally is scheduled to begin on Friday, the September 21, at 14:31, with the competitors crossing the finish line on Saturday, at 18:56.

The Romanian Rally Championship
Cupa Dacia Joe
Stage 8 / Rallye Avram Iancu Ecomax (September 21-22, 2007)

Start / Finish: Cluj Napoca
Total length : 353,06 km
No. of Specials: 12
Length of Specials: 126,50 km
Surface SR: 100% macadam

Stage 1 - Friday - September 21, 2007
14:31 - Official start (Cluj Napoca - Piata Cipariu)
14:46 - Check point (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)
15:24 - Special 1 - Livada Steluta 1 (11,00 km)
16:02 - Special 2 - Livada Feleac 1 (4,75 km)
18:00 - Service (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)
18:26 - Special 3 - Expo 1 (2,00 km)
18:33 - Check point (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)
19:28 - Arrival day 1 (Cluj Napoca - Piata Cipariu)

Stage 2 - Saturday - September 22, 2007
8:31 - Start (Cluj Napoca - Piata Cipariu)
8:46 - Check point (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)
9:24 - Special 4 - Livada Steluta 2 (11,00 km)
10:12 - Special 5 - Ciurila 1 (10,00 km)
11:00 - Special 6 - Cojocna 1 (20,00 km)
11:45 - Check point (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)
12:23 - Special 7 - Livada Steluta 3 (11,00 km)
13:01 - Special 8 - Livada Feleac 2 (4,75 km)
14:24 - Special 9 - Cojocna 2 (20,00 km)
15:27 - Check point (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)
16:25 - Special 10 - Ciurila 2 (10,00 km)
17:13 - Special 11 - Cojocna 3 (20,00 km)
18:19 - Special 12 - Expo 2 (2,00 km)
18:26 - Check point (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)
18:56 - Arrival (Cluj Napoca - Piata Cipariu)

22:00 - Award Festivity (Cluj Napoca - Expo Transilvania)

Dacia JOE Cup 2007
General Standings after 8/10 stages

Pos. No. Pilot St. 1 St. 2 St. 3 St. 4 St. 5 St. 6 St. 7 St. 8 St. 9 St. 10 Total
R. BV R. TM R. HD R. MM R. AG R. CJ R. SB R. BV 2 R. CJ 2 R. MD
1 22 C. Turbatu 10 10 10 10 8 10 8 NP     66
2 415 B. Stanoiev 8 8 6 8 10 AB 6 10     56
3 57 E. Mulner 6 6 5 6 6 8 10 6     53
4 54 B. Samoila AB 4 4 2 4 6 4 8     32
5 411 A. Bunica AB 3 3 3 NP 5 2 3     19
= 401 L. Sauciuc 5 5 1 4 NP NP NP 4     19
7 62 C. Angheluta 4 2 0,95 0,95 3 NP 3 2     15,9
8 419 M. Dragomir NP NP NP 5 5 NP 5 NP     15
9 50 J. France EX NP 8 NP AB NP NP 5     13
10 450 E. Cozma AB 1 2 1 NP NP NP NP     4

"Michelin" Hopes Standings after 8/10 stages

Pos. No. Pilot St. 1 St. 2 St. 3 St. 4 St. 5 St. 6 St. 7 St. 8 St. 9 St. 10 Total
R. BV R. TM R. HD R. MM R. AG R. CJ R. SB R. BV 2 R. CJ 2 R. MD
1 415 B. Stanoiev 10 10 10 10 10 AB 10 10     70
2 411 A. Bunica ab 8 8 8 NP 10 8 8     50

Beginners Standings after 8/10 stages

Pos. No. Pilot St. 1 St. 2 St. 3 St. 4 St. 5 St. 6 St. 7 St. 8 St. 9 St. 10 Total
R. BV R. TM R. HD R. MM R. AG R. CJ R. SB R. BV 2 R. CJ 2 R. MD
1 415 B. Stanoiev 10 10 10 10 10 AB 10 10     70
2 411 A. Bunica Ab 6 8 5 NP 10 6 6     41
3 401 L. Sauciuc 8 8 5 6 NP NP NP 8     35
4 419 M. Dragomir NP NP NP 8 8 NP 8 NP     24
5 450 E. Cozma Ab 5 6 4 NP NP NP NP     15