Dacia awards Cristian Mungiu and his team's success at Cannes

Dacia congratulates the team who made "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days", the film that won the filmmaker Cristian Mungiu the Palme d'Or of the 60th edition of the Cannes International Festival - and awards them a 7-place MCV Logan.

The vehicle adds substance to the "Prize for excellence in production performance" (Premiul pentru excelenta pentru performantele de producator"), awarded yesterday, 15 July 2007, in Mamaia, at the end of the International Festival of Independent Film Producers from Romania.

On the occasion, Cristian Mungiu declared:
"We thank the organizers as well as Dacia for the award - the first we have received as producers. Our company proved, with "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days" that it was possible to have remarkable international performance on a Romanian film budget, provided it was honestly and wisely managed. We hope that our attitude becomes an example for producers in Romania. The prize comes in useful, in light of future productions, and sends out a positive signal regarding the possibility to engage future private financing resources into the production and promotion of Romanian films."

The vehicle, to be delivered by Dacia in September, will be used by the team for the next films of the Mobrafilms production house.
