The big prize of the Gaudeamus tombola is a Logan 10 Years offered by Dacia

Dacia is present for the ninth year at the international fair Gaudeamus - Books for Learning held in Bucharest between 19-23 November and offers the big prize of the Gaudeamus tombola, a Logan 10 Years car. The winner will be chosen by drawing lots from the fair entry tickets and passes.

When you think of "Childhood Memories" by Ion Creangă, which is the first perfume it evokes to you? Cherries, linden flowers, freshly mown grass, Moldavian pies? This is one of the questions for welcoming visitors at the Dacia stall this year. „There will be questions about famous book titles from the Romanian or world literature. This is the key message from Dacia to book lovers, after nine years of partnership with Gaudeamus book fair. We associate books with fragrances. And there are two kinds of fragrances. One which comes out as soon as we open a book and the second one which stays with us after we finish the book. Those who guess the correct book fragrance, from a choice of several options, will be offered design car air fresheners with book fragrances (see photo gallery here). Each air freshener will have a link to download audiobooks. Books will thus accompany them in all their journeys with Dacia”, says Anca Oreviceanu, communication director at Dacia.

Book launches, art moments, original activities for children, meetings with celebrities from various fields, prize contests, a break for reading and skimming through favourite books, all these will happen at the Dacia stall within the international fair Gaudeamus - Books for Learning in Bucharest, between 19-23 November (details here).

A tombola will be organised for the entire duration of the fair, with the big prize being an anniversary limited series Logan 10 Years car, offered by Dacia. The draw will be held in the Dacia stall.

Events at the Dacia stall

Friday 21 November

10:00 – 20:00 Tombola organised in a partnership with Cărtureşti bookstore

Books of the Year 2014 at Cărtureşti (The Reader is always right. You chose the books)

11:00 – 14:00 The International Organization of the Francophonie

Art moment with African music (flash mob) performed by the Francophone Cultural Centre in Buzău

13:00 – 16:00 Programme for children

"The Nutty Professor”: workshop on the Flavour Factory

17:00 – 18:00

Radio România Actualităţi - Book Launch: Povestea trecătorilor din Bucureşti” ("The Story of Bucharest Passers-by"), volume IV

Saturday 22 November

10:00 – 20:00 Tombola organised in a partnership with Cărtureşti bookstore

Books of the Year 2014 at Cărtureşti (The Reader is always right. You chose the books)

12:00 – 13:00 Academia de Studii Economice (The Academy of Economic Studies)

Book launch: Educaţie şi leadership. Realităţi şi experienţe româneşti” ("Education and leadership. Romanian realities and experiences"), author Mariana Nicolae

13:30 – 14:30 Polirom and Cartea Românească Publishing Houses

Book launch: „Medaliile succesului. Marele muzeu al cărţii.Volumul III” ("Medals of Success. The Great Museum of Books. Volume III"), authors Georgeta Pânişoară, Ion-Ovidiu Pânişoară

15:00 Radio România Actualităţi

A-Grade guests - participants in international Olympiads

Sunday 23 November

10:00 – 20:00 Tombola organised in a partnership with Cărtureşti bookstore

Books of the Year 2014 at Cărtureşti (The Reader is always right. You chose the books)

14:00 Draw of the Gaudeamus fair tombola (The big prize, limited series Dacia Logan 10 Years)

17:00 – 18:00 French Institute

Goncourt Prizes (special guests - members of the jury)

For 9 years Dacia supports literature, encourages reading under any forms, printed books, e-books or audiobooks, and invites book lovers to Gaudeamus. This is one of Dacia's important traditional partnerships. During the last years several publishing houses and famous Romanian and foreign authors chose to launch their books at Dacia's stall at Gaudeamus.