Winners of the Digital Solidarity Project of Renault Romania

The Digital Solidarity Project, undertaken by Renault Romania together with Ateliere Fără Frontiere (Workshops without Borders) between 28 October – 26 November 2014, was completed and the winners were nominated.

Under this programme 320 fully refurbished IT equipment (computers and laptops) were allocated and will be donated to institutions and not-for-profit organisations in Argeş and Dâmboviţa counties that need information equipment to develop education, vocational training or social integration activities. A number of 111 eligible projects were registered: 75 projects in Arges county and 36 projects in Dâmboviţa county.

The organisers wanted to offer equal chances to all participants, therefore projects were registered by filling in a form which was then scored by the jury members based on objective criteria. Out of the 111 projects registered a number of 70 winning projects were selected, which will receive equipment according to the associated requirements. The full list can be seen here.

Jury members

Carmen Manolescu (Renault România, RH UVD), Ion Bulearcă (Renault România, RH ILN), Elena Bita (Renault România, RH Social), Stelian Gantoi (Renault România, IT), Claudia Zamfir (Renault România, DAP), Raisa Beicu (Renault România, Dcomm), Roxana Dragoş (Renault România, Dcomm), Gheorghe Costache (Renault România, Environment), Constanta Cerbu (Development Manager at Ecotic), Dragoş Dehelean (President of the programme).

More about the Digital Solidarity Project and Ateliere Fără Frontiere

The equipment to be donated were collected from Renault Romania and refurbished by the Ateliere Fără Frontiere association, a non-governmental organisation established in 2008, aiming to ensure the social, professional and civic insertion of persons in great difficulty. The 3 missions of the association are: fight against exclusion, environmental protection and solidarity for education and local development projects.

Big changes are achieved in small steps. Normally all children should have equal chances to education and all youth should learn new things through advanced methods. Unfortunately in many cases normality just doesn't happen, and the Digital Solidarity Project was conceived for this very reason. In small steps, under-privileged children and youth will perform big changes in the future!