The National Off-road Championship - the Cluj Cup Taubenreuther Transsylvania 2014

The 13th edition of the National Off-road Championship – the Cluj Cup Taubenreuther Transsylvania, held between 28-31 August 2014, in the Muntele Băişorii resort, was a new confirmation of something already well known: Duster braves it out successfully in a competition where they compete with real monsters.

Day 1. The big confrontation.

After the long way between Bucharest and Cluj, covered during night time, we woke up at 06:30 to get the car ready: checking the oil, the liquid, the tyre pressure and other necessary technical details. In less than 4 hours we were already in the column to the start point. After only half an hour we entered a forest and met the first signs of off-road: forest road with stones of variable size, sometimes up to 0.5 m. After several positions we gained on two crews driving together on a route with plenty of descents on gravel, S-points and U-points. Given our higher speed, our competitor colleagues offered us their positions.

The natural beauties of Cluj could be seen from the hill chine along which the Duster was running in a swirl. The route was interrupted only by sheep or by positions with an "Open/Close the gate" sign. After entering the forest and meeting the "Copilot to get off" position, we also got to the first azimuth. We confirmed the position and continued the route, with more and more puddles, fallen logs or stones fixed in the middle of the road.

Then we made an attempt to overtake a Land Cruiser crew behind which we drove for quite a long time. However in such competitions you don't always get fairplay, and that crew would not let us overcome them. We did not get stuck with this hindrance but instead we continued through the forest, avoiding the stones encountered on the way, and we moved a log about 20 m long. At 14.40 we ranked 5th. A position for which we worked hard.

After a well deserved meal we went to the park where the audience was awaiting us. In addition to the necessary fuel refill, we also had our car washed and polished and we had one of the wheels, a little damaged by a stone encountered on the road, replaced.

Day 2. The adventure continues.

The second day started with a 25 km/h speed limitation, then we entered the forest again where we found a clearing with poorly visible roads, and as the second position was not confirmed, we reoriented towards a steep road. We went along the route faultlessly, then we gained on again on the crew mentioned above, who manifested the same lack of fairplay.

In addition we also remained without the 4x4. We strained the hoist, pulled the car on a straight surface and returned to 4x4 while turning in order to position the car for climbing. We cleared the area of a log and then, going up in a whirl, with the large upgradient angle, a second attempt was necessary.

From there onward, everything was at a much lower speed to protect the motor from a potential shock which could have led to an unwanted withdrawal. We go forward with a big desire to keep a position as good as possible in the top. On the alpine meadow we get to a CP where we receive helping instructions.

When we thought everything was alright, a new surprise: the running lights no longer worked. So we had to go back and resume, then we get to a poorly visible bridge. After so many obstacles we cross the finish line, where we were awaited with a gulyas.

Day 3. Or the Trial.

We were pleased to see that the 5th position we had occupied the first day had not been overtaken, given the exits from the trail and the downgrading of other crews. We thus enter the trial as the 5th team, accompanied by shoutings from the audience supporting the national car.

We performed the first part of the route with no problems, and then, at a bridge crossing, the Duster would no longer go any further. This was followed by a hoisting, and after 0.5 km of hauling, the Duster was on its wheels again. We advanced in a whirl and, close to the trail exit, we faced another minor obstacle as a result of the very slippery surface. Then the last launch, buckling the belts and exiting the trail in the public's applause.

Then followed the prize awarding session, the tyre replacement and the technical inspection, when no problems have been noticed at the car.

At the end of this competition we drew three conclusions we are very happy to share with you:

  • In order to obtain a place on the podium the car requires a thorough preparation;
  • Orientation and maintaining the car on the trail are two essential elements;
  • The collaboration between the pilot and the copilot makes the difference in many difficult situations.

We are happy to have participated in this competition and we'll come back soon with a new adventure,

The Duster 4X4 Everyone team.