The Most Reliable Auto Make: Dacia

Dacia is the most reliable auto make, according to the survey accomplished by the publication Que Choisir in March and April 2011. The Romanian auto mark was situated on the first place in the competition with other 31 makes, having a reliability index of 95%. Also, the inland make is the only one that obtained the maximum of 3 stars (a "very good" grade), in comparison to the next classified, with maximum two stars. Among the makes beaten by Dacia there are mentioned Toyota, BMW and Mercedes.

In the reliability survey accomplished by Que Choisir there took part 29,026 car drivers from Belgium, France, Spain, Italy and Portug with an average age of 56 years, most of them being men. The number and frequency of flat tyres, the age of the vehicle and the number of run kilometers were the main indicatord taken into account for the accomplishment of the standings.

Dacia had a spectacular entrance in the Que Choisir survey performed in 2010, when it got directly the third place.

The Consumers' Federal Union – Que Choisir edits the monthly magazine with the same name, that contains comparative tests from the point of view of the quality - price, cost – effectiveness etc, and also some special issues per year.