Programs for Students

The relationship with universities: a lasting partnership

Renault Romania Group develops long-term partnerships with the main technical universities in Romania. It manages skills based on a long term projection and encourages youth to begin their professional lives by an active policy in relation with the education system.

This policy's objectives are:

Renault Romania Group trains its engineers to enable them to rapidly adapt to Renault's specific methods and jobs. To this aim the Group develops an aggregate of programmes, together with technical universities in Romania, adapted to the specific needs of car engineering. The main objective is to develop skills and knowledge in project management for the car industry.

Renault Romania Group present in students' life!

A robust two-way partnership has been in place for some years between Renault Romania Group and the Politehnica University of Bucharest and Universities of Piteşti, Craiova, Iaşi, Galaţi, with both professors and students.

The relationship with the academic environment has become a priority for Renault Romania Group. Over the last five years we have actively participated in the development of education and the approach between universities and industry, by various actions performed to come as close as possible to the interests of youth and universities and to share some of our knowledge.

  • to make students aware of car industry jobs;
  • to contribute to the professional education of youth;
  • to inform universities on the company's long term needs regarding the basic knowledge youth should have.