Cariere Gala: Cornel Olendraru, prize award at the Management category

Cornel Olendraru, director of the Dacia Vehicle Plant, was awarded a prize within the Gala of the Cariere magazine, “Oameni care ne inspiră” (People who inspire us), 2014 edition. The director of Dacia Vehicle Plant was awarded a prize in the Management category.

Two months ago Olendraru gave an interview to the site for the "People who inspire us" section, together with other personalities in various fields. The interview, called «The leader who appreciates his people more than his profession », gathered more than 6,000 views and resulted in the nomination of the manager of Dacia plant in Mioveni for the Cariere prizes, Management Category.  

The winners for all prize categories within the Gala (Leadership for the whole career, Innovation, Liberal Professions, Entrepreneurship, Young entrepreneurs, HR Manager, Business Ambassador, Expats who feel Romanian, Female Leadership, Management) were nominated based on online voting along a campaign developed on the site which hosted the interviews.

Olendraru, present at the event, confessed that this was "the first prize he received" and he thanked his colleagues at the plant he manages, those who voted him as well as his former colleagues along his entire professional path.